I have been awarded this lovely Sunshine Award from Dianne x over at http://workingmumof4.blogspot.com which if you haven't already paid her a visit then you must. She writes a lovely down to earth and honest blog about family and personal issues.
Now apparently I have to tell you a few things about myself before I nominate others!
Here goes:
- I have become increasingly dependant on chocolate and wine as my children are getting older.
- I am a red head with long naturally curly hair.....hence no picture on my blog!!
- I am secretly in love with Jack Bauer from 24 LOL
- I sometimes suffer depression for what seems like no reason
- I would love to do something constructive with my life......but haven't worked out what yet!
Ok I think that will do, now for my list peeps that I will nominate for this Sunshine award.
In no particular order ( always wanted to say that!)
A true ray of sunshine herself!! Fab kids who always make me giggle at their antics ( just see her latest post on clothes shopping with them). And someone who has left me with 'homemade CSI kit' envy!!!
A lovely blog to read, and for keeping me company on twitter whilst we did not attend Cybermummy 11 !!!
A fab and honest blog about family life and the antics of her son that always bring a smile to my face ( 'I'm your venus' LOL), while at the same time raising awareness about Autism.
Over to you ladies, will be checking to see who you nominate!